Professional Matchmaker Software
Professional Matchmaker Software is uniquely developed with a professional matchmaker in mind. Based on the iDateMedia dating software product, this modified dating software includes all the features you need to run a professional matchmaking business. With support for both types of matches including clients and their potential matches plus an extensive admin area to run your matchmaking business.
It also gives you the ability to create custom profiles for each of your clients plus advanced searching tools to help you match your clients without having to match them manually.
Other matchmaking software solutions will cost you thousands of dollars in monthly subscriptions. The iDateMedia matchmaker software is a one time fee which means you pay one time and never pay again!
You can either run the dating software as a backend matching tool or run it as a front end dating site or you could do both. The possibilities are endless when it comes to using the dating software as a matchmaking tool.
- Client Profiles
- Date Arranger
- Advanced Search
- Events Calendar
- Responsive Web Design
- Lightbox Images
Additional Features
- Client Profiles
- Date Arranger
- Advanced Search
- Events Calendar
- Responsive Web Design
- Lightbox Images
Are You a Matchmaker?
If you’re a matchmaker with a matchmaking business then we’d love to hear from you. We’re always looking to partner with matchmaking agencies simply because our customer base is always looking for angles they can approach with their member base. This is a great way to grow your matchmaking business.
Looking To Become A Matchmaker?
If you’re new to the dating space and you’re currently looking to start your own matchmaking business then feel free to Contact Us and we can help you get started.